
Since you are here*, my dear inquisitive soul, it shall be assumed that you are one of the remaining few who still flourishes while lost within the silent solitude of the forever expansive, inquisitive mind, refusing to let perish the dying, soul-enriching art of the immersive reading experience.

May you be resolute in your lonely yet noble literary endeavors, and may you find at least a bit of solace during your stay here.

  • Rainy Season
  • SHORT VERSES & OTHER CURSES by Kurt Brindley

Explore the Books page to, perhaps, find your next immersive reading experience…

*As opposed to, let us say, a Tucker Carlson podcast or a Kim Kardashian tiktok feed or some other such vapidly captivating site. Do not get me wrong, Dear Reader, I am not proposing that this site is any less vapid than those mentioned; I am proposing, however, that it has the intention, at least, not to be so…