William James has some serious issues with brother Henry James’ writing

I initially set out to record Henry James’ somewhat condescending response to Walter Besant’s very pretentious essay “The Art of Fiction”

Until I discovered the letter from Henry James’ older brother, and renowned psychologist/philosopher, William James, where he tells Henry exactly how he feels about Henry’s latest release “The American Scene.”

Spoiler alert: It’s definitely not a 5-star review…

Being the father of two sons, I know how brothers can be not only brutally frank and painfully honest to one another, but also highly competitive and a bit boastful as well.

The older brother’s letter to the younger encompasses all that and more.

Check out my youtube channel and like and subscribe and yada yada yada and peristaltic belching…

Better yet, how about reading and reviewing my latest novel?

Literary Zen XV

For many people art means rose-coloured windows, and selection means picking a bouquet for Mrs. Grundy. They will tell you glibly that artistic considerations have nothing to do with the disagreeable, with the ugly; they will rattle off shallow commonplaces about the province of art and the limits of art, till you are moved to some wonder in return as to the province and the limits of ignorance.

Henry James

Are you really as depraved and pitiful as Arthur Schopenhauer thinks you are?

The ancient concept of memento mori reminds us to “remember we must die,” not for any macabre or nihilistic purposes, but to prompt us to take a moment to contemplate our mortality so as to remember to live these fleeting, fatalistic lives of ours to their fullest.

Likewise, it seems the same could be said for Schopenhauer’s persistent contemplation of the evils of humankind. We contemplate these evils not to revel in and celebrate the boundless depravity of our kind, but to remind us that even in the best, most pure hearted of our species, therein Darkness resides; ergo, understanding that we have such an inherently Dark capacity to live wrongly, we should then strive in relentless determination to live our lives rightly and wholly in the Light.


Excerpts from Schopenhauer’s essay On Human Nature. Music by ‪@guinabernardes‬


The Epigraph to Sorrow

Learning the tricky ins and outs of audio/video recording and editing ain’t easy for an old dog like me. But I’ve always wanted to offer audiobooks as part of my humble literary portfolio, so I guess it’s time for me to grin and bear it and get to it ’cause I certainly ain’t getting any younger.

As I work on recording my new novel Sorrow, I figured I might as well have a little visually creative fun with it along the way…

Narrating in general is less than easy for me; it is even less so when it’s the Early Modern English that was spoken nearly half a millennium ago.



A Time of Sorrow

Happy times, Sorrow is here!

And you have until midnight tomorrow, or more specifically, 11:59 p.m., Sunday, November 24, 2024, (Bezos Standard Time, aka PST), to purchase a free Kindle version.

An aging white male forsakes humanity, changes his name to Sorrow, and begins identifying as an it, just as its white son learns his Black girlfriend is pregnant, and you begin a murderous rampage targeting interracial couples just like them...

Arthur Schopenhauer

And as Arthur Schopenhauer, that merry misanthrope, only happy when I’m not philosopher of old, reminds us:

It is difficult to find happiness within oneself, but it is impossible to find it anywhere else.

Now, I am only the author of the tale so I cannot be sure, but if I were a betting man, which I’m not, but if I were, I would bet that Sorrow, our odd protagonist of our newly released tale, would agree with me that the quote above is true to the spirit of its journey. But alas we are sure to never know for sure since…

Sorrow does not respond.

Or maybe it does.

Find out here.

SORROW, a novel by Kurt Brindley

So here we are the day after such an historic election, one full of hope for some and angst for others, and it is my pleasure to present to you my new novel Sorrow.

I believe I mentioned here in the past that I completed a novel in the summer of 2023, and that I was determined to get it published in a traditional manner. Well, after a year-and-a-half of the manuscript being rejected — and by being rejected I mean mostly being ignored — by over a dozen publishers, it is time for me to face the reality that the only way this novel will get published is independently by yours truly.

Since I am seeking your help in getting the word out about Sorrow, particularly by you reading a free advanced copy of the book and posting your review of it at all the usual places, I should probably make you aware of the potential elements of the tale that may cause concern to some.

Let’s not call them “trigger warnings” because that term in itself is quite triggering to many; let’s instead call these concerning elements of the tale simply “noted concerns.”


  • Behavioral health concerns
  • Suicidal ideations concerns
  • Abortion concerns
  • Homelessness concerns
  • Homicidal concerns
  • Gun violence concerns
  • Police brutality concerns
  • Racism concerns
  • Identity concerns
  • Pronoun concerns
  • Sexual content concerns
  • Brief nudity concerns
  • Vulgar language concerns
  • Religious cult concerns
  • Alcoholism concerns
  • Smoking, both tobacco and marijuana, concerns
  • Pandemic masking concerns
  • Fully developed Black, Hispanic, and white female characters created by an old white male concerns

I think that about covers the concerning elements of the tale, with some elements, of course, being more concerning than others. At least now you have some idea of what to expect of the story’s content. If it were a movie it would definitely have a solid “R” rating.

I guess I should point out that there are also some magical realism and meta-fictional elements involved in the tale. Perhaps, depending on your literary sensitivities, they too should be included in the noted concerns section, lol.


What is the crux of Sorrow?

Let me give you a full synopsis of it (or is it summary? I always get the two confused):

SORROW by Kurt Brindley

Harold Thorson Sterner, Sr., who had come to be known as Hank, an aging white male no longer able to bear the downward spiraling, troubled state of the world, has decided to end his relationship with it, the world, and all that it entails: all humanity and its entire “civilized” existence, his name, his family, his profession, all his responsibilities, everything, even, perhaps, his conscious mind.

To ensure his new relationship with the world is clear and properly regarded by others, he legally changes his name from Harold Thorson Sterner, Sr., to Sorrow and begins identifying, not as a man, or even as a human for that matter, but simply as a being, an it.

He, or rather, it, has made this what turns out to be rather ironic decision to forsake humanity just as its white aspiring author son learns his Black aspiring business executive girlfriend is pregnant, and you, an aspiring serial killer, begin a murderous rampage targeting interracial couples just like them out in sunny Los Angeles.

Sorrow, up until now a semi-celebrated author who had moved recently to sunny Los Angeles to adapt its former self’s successful novels into screenplays, attempts to explain its decision to forsake the world it in a letter to its estranged wife Evelyn, who now lives separated and carefree from her disillusioned husband in Miami, enjoying life with her young Cuban boytoy Alejo.

The letter, more a missive really, prompts Sorrow’s son, who is already in the midst of his own crisis due to his girlfriend’s unexpected pregnancy, to trek out to LA in hope of finding his odd father and providing him the care that he needs. His girlfriend, distraught at her boyfriend’s untimely departure, soon follows him out there. Together in LA, the troubled couple has unwittingly placed themselves at risk of your violent wrath.

And so, as the story unfolds and Sorrow slowly morphs into what? a Christ-like figure? a mad bodhisattva? just another behavioral health breakdown victim littering the streets of LA?, and as whatever it morphs into somehow draws to it other disillusioned souls who begin worshipping it, and as three of its original acolytes, a self-identified indigent and two hippies, are able to magically fly – one by spinning his long, matted hair like helicopter rotor blades and the others by vigorously flapping large palm fronds typically reserved for their worship of Sorrow – and use these skills to fight evil forces on behalf of Sorrow, and as all but one of the story’s narrators mysteriously, suspiciously, disappear, and even as the body count from your murderous rampage steadily grows around it…

Sorrow does not respond.

Okay, maybe that was a bit TMI, but, simply put, what we have here with Sorrow is a very contemporary tale with all of society’s, especially American society’s, tragedy and drama, hopes and dreams.

If you are interested in reading and reviewing Sorrow, and I hope you are, please email me at hank@kurtbrindley.com and I’ll shoot you a copy post haste, as I hope to have the story published on Amazon soon.

Or you can just leave a comment here if you prefer and we can take it from there.



Literary Zen XIV

Edgar Allan Poe

Who has not, a hundred times, found himself committing a vile or silly action for no other reason than because he knows he should not? Have we not a perpetual inclination, in the teeth of our best judgement, to violate that which is Law, merely because we understand it to be such?

from The Black Cat


Rainy Season has ended…

At least as the title of one of my books.

Rainy Season
Romance Noir

I am partial to the title, as it is quite representative of the literal climate of the story’s Tokyo setting as well as the story’s dark, metaphorical mood, so putting it out to pasture was not an easy decision to make.

However, after trying several different covers in a futile effort to get the book noticed, I decided it was time to take more extreme measures.

I am pleased to introduce to you:

When Broken Hearts Break
Romance Noir

With the heartbroken shards of a shattered past lodged deep within his soul, falling in love is the last thing a mysterious American expatriate in Tokyo is looking to do, especially with an alluring jazz club singer shrouded in vague mysteries of her own…

And to celebrate its new name and look, it, and all the rest of my books, are free all day at Amazon.
