Stephen King has words…

A lot of them. Usually that’s okay because he is such a great storyteller, one, I believe, who (whom?) deserves to be appreciated literarily well beyond the horror genre. Few can convey the human condition, its perils, its pleasures, as well as he. But, to me, his overzealous output of words is always a fine … Read more

William Gay is a genius

A literary one at least. The deceased author William Gay, that is, not the former professional football cornerback William Gay. Well, William Gay the cornerback may also be a literary genius, I’m just not aware of it. But I am aware that Nic Pizzolatto is too a genius, at least of the screenwriting variation, as … Read more

No matter how bad it gets…

grayscale photo of explosion on the beach

And it has gotten extremely bad lately…

I guess there is some comfort to be found in knowing…

That it could always get worse.


Not sure if I have the imaginative capacity, or fortitude, to imagine how.

Hope I don’t.

But, still, here we are, despite it all, moving forward…

Even if it’s just at the most timid and extremely infinitesimal pace.

Because we must.

And we shall.

So yeah, in the midst of all this, all this being our latest global nightmare of ___________ [fill in the blank]*, I finally managed to do something I have been wanting to do pretty much since the onset of the past global nightmare of ___________ [fill in the blank].

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Rainy Season, AI-Imagined

I’ve always wanted to write and illustrate a graphic novel. But that would be a lot of work. Too much for someone as uninspired and unartistic as yours truly. So I figured why not give one of the AI machines a shot at illustrating some of my writing since they seem to be all the … Read more

The Graduate by Charles Webb – A Review

BOOK | FICTION | LITERARYTHE GRADUATE by Charles WebbRATING: ★ ★ ★ ★ When The Graduate, a book published in 1963 by recently deceased author Charles Webb, popped up as a Kindle Unlimited recommendation the other day, I thought to myself, why not? I mean, shouldn’t every fan of the movie version, a film which … Read more

RAINY SEASON – A Review by Whispering Stories

A thread of mystery flows through the story. I think the author would shine writing thrillers full of secrets, crimes, and heart-pounding scenes. Brindley has a Navy SEAL vigilante title: The Good Kill. While I haven’t read that book, I’m sure the action is well done.