Cheek flares signify he’s in direct contact with the Literary Gods.
Go[o]d things will be coming my way…
surmising with aplomb and nary remorse
Anyway… Q: Why did the scarecrow receive an award? A: Because it was outstanding in its field! #halloweenhumor#aihumor#jumpscrares#notreally#forthelulz
Why is it Iron-Man and not Fe-Male? If you can’t come up with the answer right away don’t worry… Periodically table it and it will eventually come to you. #humpdayhumor
Cheek flares signify he’s in direct contact with the Literary Gods.
Go[o]d things will be coming my way…
Since I have a lot of time on my hands, I spend much of it (hey, I am a capitalist — spending is what I do) reading articles on the web. While I’ll read just about anything I happen upon, most of what I seek to read involves literature, politics, current events, and, as t’is … Read more
But, in all honesty… I’m a little scared… I am afraid that when I tell you about that which lays so heavily on my heart… You will immediately lose all respect for me… And end our friendship… But it’s really something I have to do… Something I have been yearning to do for some time … Read more
It was tense. #internetspotting #grammarhumor