
I have whined a lot here in the past, and I mean a lot… no, really… a lot, about how screwy my brain has become ever since I caught the leukemia bug nearly a decade ago and was deluged with excessive amounts of chemo.

Not to mention I still take a daily dose of the stuff as a prophylactic so I don’t come down with that nasty little bug ever again.

Anyway, long story short — I have developed some pretty heavy duty vestibular issues and other funky brain-related stuff as a result, so for the past little while I’ve been working on various techniques and exercises to try to strengthen the ol’ noggin up a bit.

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The Purpose of Pain

When it comes to physical pain, it’s purpose is hardly in question: It focuses us to where our immediate attention and action is required.

We accidentally rest our hand on a hot stove top burner and, without our sense of pain, our hand, if it weren’t for our sense of smell, would become cooked well enough to serve up at the next meal.

We could laugh at this, but sadly and horrifically there are some who do not experience the sense of physical pain due to a rare condition known as congenital analgesia.

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These moving images were selected from the results of a search I did on the term “PTSD” through foter. Attributes and rights can be found in lower right corner of each image.

Peace be to the sufferers and those who care for them.


The Intensity of PTSD / Foter / CC BY-NC-SA
PTSD Nation / Foter / CC BY-NC-SA
Soaptree / Foter / CC BY
otisarchives4 / Foter / CC BY
Dr.S.Ali Wasif / Foter / CC BY-NC-ND
Inner Anguish!
Dr.S.Ali Wasif / Foter / CC BY-NC-ND
Dr.S.Ali Wasif / Foter / CC BY-NC-ND

It’s FTW! Because We Love to Win! – part 2

I just had to say something raunchy and with impact right now because I want you to know right from the get go exactly what direction this post is headed. So, if you are not in the mood for a pissed off raunchy post (Another one?), you may just want to back click yourself slowly away from the site right now before you or anyone else gets hurt.

It’s FTW! Because We Love to Win! – part 1

The only thing that I hate more than an annoying nitpicker constantly hounding for and finding and resolutely declaring over and over again the error(s) of my way(s), is knowing that my ways are errored and not knowing how to fix them.

In Defense of the American Way of Life

I think and I write about all of this BS, this Way of Life BS and that way of life BS and all the goofy-looking uniform BS and all my pretentious and pedantic intent versus impact BS while I am being completely overwhelmed and embarrassed by the ridiculous politics and even more ridiculous politicians behind the current budget battle crisis that America is currently tearing itself apart over.