He drove to a secluded, leafy spot, and looked at Cocoa covertly when they stopped. She patted her blonde wig, contrasting her chocolate skin, and popped her gum, pretending not to notice him pulling out a pair of nylons. Cocoa slammed his head against the steering wheel before he could act. He was out cold. Cocoa handcuffed him to the steering wheel. Vice arrested The Pantyhose Strangler. However, his car remains where he intended to assault and kill his fourth prostitute.
It is my pleasure to announce Author Sean C. Wright-Neeley as the winner of our little spur-of-the-moment-100-words-or-less flash fiction contest.
For Sean’s noble and winning efforts, she will receive a copy of my latest release, THE GOOD KILL, the same copy as seen below in fact, signed, sealed, and delivered with great admiration and affection to her by yours truly.

When it came down to selecting a winner, which was intended to be decided by the number of likes the stories received, it was inevitably left up to moi (that’s French for yours truly) to decide because it came down to a tie between the stories by Sean and Shanza*.
And both Sean and Shanza’s are equally fine stories, indeed.
What was the deciding factor for me in my choice was the title of Sean’s story. I mean, come on. She had me at Cocoa Fierce. Let me tell ya, I sure hope Cocoa has a life beyond this diminutive story she’s presently starring in because I need to know more about her…
A lot more.
I’d like to thank all the authors who participated. Please check out their stories found in the comments section of the “There’s a story in here somewhere” post. And then, while you’re at it, go ahead and give them a visit at their websites and show them your further support. Wadduya say?
*There were actually more than two submissions with the same number of votes; but because one of the voters also happened to be one of the authors graciously showing her support for the other authors, I had to discount those votes, which left us with just Sean and Shanza’s stories with the same number of votes.
Yes! What an honor. Thanks for running this cool beans contest.
The pleasure is all mine. Thank you for sharing some of your creative magic with us.
Congratulations, Sean!