WHO I AM – A Women’s Issues Feature

I am very honored and excited to share our very first submission to the new Relating to Humans feature.

Before we get to the submission, however, I would like to say a few words by way of introduction.

You know, I am a writer, which means…I’m insecure. I am. Every time I hit the “Publish” button to release my stuff out into this wild world, I get more than a little apprehensive wondering if it’s going to be well received, or not. Such was the case when I put this new Relating to Humans feature out there. I was a little nervous, wondering if anyone would take it seriously; if anyone would care to participate.

Which is why I am so honored and excited to be introducing you to the poetry of becausethisishowisaythings. She, with her one submission, helped to validate what this new feature is all about.

Becausethisishowisaythings is a fearless twenty-year old (fearless as is evident by her willingness to participate in this new venture of ours), and her poem is an honest expression of how she feels about being a woman.

So please, take the time to read her poem, and, if you are so moved, maybe leave her a comment and visit with her and support her efforts at her own website becausethisishowisaythings.wordpress.com



Who I am

I am confused.
I am a woman, a girl, a female…but I am not very feminine.
My mother tells me to wear prettier clothes. My sister asks if I’m a lesbian.

If I’m a girl, does that mean I have to wear pink, do I have to wear flowers in my hair and make-up on my face, all to convince you that I’m a girl, that I’m a woman?

Do I have to wear revealing clothes and get drunk on vodka to attract a man,
a boy, a male?

Do I have to feel afraid of sex?

Should I feel guilty for being honest, and not a bitch?

I am a woman, I know this, but it seems other people aren’t so sure.
I don’t know if I’m a feminist, but I know what I want to be.
I want to be strong, to be attractive, to be sensitive, to be accepted, to be understood.
I want to be a good person.
A person. Not a label.

I am a woman, I am a girl, a female…but don’t try to label me with these things.

15 thoughts on “WHO I AM – A Women’s Issues Feature”

  1. Reblogged this on Because this is how I say things. and commented:
    So, I wrote this for Kurt Brindley’s Woman’s Issue’s section. I am so happy to have stumbled across this in my reader as I feel recently, with all this talk of feminism, women (or myself anyway) are feeling a bit confused about what it means to be a ‘woman’.
    I was thrilled that Kurt posted this to his main blog, and I’d like to say thanks here as it has really helped my blog also.
    So this is what I wrote, Kurt also introduces his idea here and yeah, why not give it a go as-well, it will be really interesting to see the different perspectives given.

  2. Good for her to put her thoughts out into the world. Some day she’ll look back on this year and have a lot more to day. I hope she does a side-by-side when she’s 60. I’d be lucky still to alive to read it!

  3. “Every time I hit the “Publish” button to release my stuff out into this wild world, I get more than a little apprehensive wondering if it’s going to be well received, or not.”

    Join the club!


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