A quick check-up from the neck up…

I have absolutely no idea why I wrote that as a title for this post…

Tru dat.

But since it is what it is, I guess we might as well just go with it.

Just go with the Flow of the Is of the Now…

Oh boy…

Anyway, since you’re here I was wondering if you could do me a favor.

Well, the two features Relating to Humans and the Indie Author Book Selection & Review thingy are beginning to get a little love, meaning, there is stuff up there just waiting for someone to look at it…

So, I was wondering if you wouldn’t mind stopping by every once in a little while or more and give a little of your own love in return.

I was wondering if you could read over the submissions in these features and, you know, “Like” those that you like. You know, give those Authors and Poets and Artists, all those Creators of the Sublime, a little support because, let’s face it, it can get a little scary putting our stuff out there like that in the open, all exposed and vulnerable like…

It takes a lot of courage sometimes to be original, to dare to be different and to be exceedingly loud and proud about it…


Can you do that for me?


Oh yeah…one other thing since you’re already here.

There are a lot of strange and interesting and wonderful and sad and scary things going on all around this petulant little planet of ours…

And I would love to know what your take is on all of it.

I mean…just look at all that is happening right now that will be defining this period of our lives – this Is of our collective Now – for years to come.

I mean…

Ferguson? How can something as tragic as what’s going on down there still possibly be?! I am very concerned about what could happen as a result of the forthcoming grand jury decision.

ISIS? I cannot even begin to get my head around that level of evil. But, really, what are all the historical drivers behind that beheading madness?

Russia and Ukraine? What in the fracas is going on over there?! I mean, it’s like déjà vu all over again, to quote that ever-prescient and wisely wry yogi-like Yogi of a Yankee guy…


And that’s not even the tip of the terrible and towering iceberg…

It’s more like a minutely miniscule drop of condensation floating gas-like in the air looking for an iceberg to become…

So so much is going on right now…

So yeah, I was wondering…what do you think about all this madness of a mess that is happening Right. Now.?

I would love to know…

And not just because I’m an inquisitive querying kind of guy…

Which I def am…

But also because I believe you just might have the key…

That golden kernel of Karmic Truth…

That wise Way of how this wonderful world should wax…

Tucked right inside that magic of a marvelous mind of yours.

And, you know what…

I kind of feel it is incumbent upon you to share that wisdom with us.


You have the responsibility for allowing us to know what it is You know to be true.

So we can, like you, be a better We like You.

I believe that.

Truly I do.

So please please please, share your Wiseness with us by submitting something, anything, to one of the Relating to Humans features.

And if you got something that just doesn’t seem to fit with any of the features already profiled…

Then hit me up through the Contact page and let me know.

Perhaps we can create a new Feature just to feature all of your amazing and fabulous features.

Can you do that for me?



*non-gender specific



12 thoughts on “A quick check-up from the neck up…”

  1. Ukraine used to be part of the Russian Empire but seceded in the 1800s; Judging by how the Russian Federation uses the same flag as the Russian Empire, it’d be safe to say Russia is trying to annex Ukraine.

  2. What’s referred to as ISIS has in fact renamed itself as IS; It wants to establish a global caliphate; They were created as a counter-reaction towards Shiite domination and political division of the Middle East (a political division created by the Sykes-Picot Agreement).

    I obviously don’t support them but hope this background information explains their extremely violent backlash.

  3. You ask for “historical drivers” and I do think it’s important to look at the macro picture. There is nothing new with what Isis is doing. Being in this part of the world one can be very sympathetic with America’s drone strikes. If, on the other hand, one is in the Middle East and the recipient of “collateral damage” such that one’s entire family is wiped out, it would be very difficult to respond with understanding. To go further back, Assad’s father (Syrian dictator) subdued a rebellion by eradicating the entire tribe and then burying it beneath a parking lot. How is this different from Hannibal, even further back, levelling Carthage, killing every last man, woman and child, and returning it to desert. Today he is a heroic figure with his elephants crossing the mountains. It is, in fact, the easiest thing in the world for a person to justify whatever so-called evil he wishes to perform. No one’s hands are clean. The twentieth century saw the introduction of the concept of total war. Look at the fire-bombing of Dresden, the bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, agent orange, the secret war in Cambodia. One has to be able to justify one’s acts to oneself not to others and there is more than enough material for justification to go around. Humanity has produced a climate of violence that extends throughout history and in this climate lightning and thunder penetrate deep into anyone who feels wronged or threatened. The powers that be continue to threaten everyone of us with complete annihilation as long as they insist upon nuclear confrontation. Here is the logical conclusion of such a history. As long as man disregards life beyond his own immediate circle – the life of the planet as well as his fellow beings – one has only to look at the past to understand the present and to see the future. The biblical story begins with an injunction for man to “subdue” the earth and to have “dominion” over it. The admonition is also to “replenish” it. It seems we’ve gotten subduing and dominion half of it right except that by itself it’s the wrong half. One can only replenish something with full understanding and respect and one can only trust that such an undertaking will eventually find partners and will give those pause who continue to be inflamed.

    • Watching NPR right now and John McCain, who will be Chairman of the Armed Forces Committee come next Congress is emphasizing the obviousness of how it will take even more “boots on the ground” (I am so sick and tired of that term…what’s the alternative, though? drones in the air, I guess), even though we just sent 1500 troops over (which would be 3000 actual boots on the ground, I guess (assuming all have both legs upon arrival…highly doubtful all will upon departure, though). When will it end?

      Would be so thrilled, Paul, if you would fluff this up a bit, all essay-like, and submit it to either the political or religious features. Very thought-provoking.


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