A subtle chain of countless rings
The next unto the farthest brings;
The eye reads omens where it goes;
And speaks all languages of the rose;
And, striving to be man, the worm
Mounts through all the spires of form

Too often I’ll show little regard to introductions and read through them with hardly reading them at all, my eyes skimming dismissively over the words in an effort to get to “the true essence” of the work. However, as I have resolved to not just read, but to read deeply the work of Ralph Waldo Emerson, I have to remember, then, that care needs to be given to each of the words that Emerson had specifically chosen to pen, as he had entrusted each chosen word to convey its part of a broader message that he had, himself, intended to convey. So it is with care and attention that I proceed.
Other than the title, the above poem is our first encounter with the essay “Nature,” the first piece presented in The Complete Essays and Other Writings of Ralph Waldo Emerson; and, consequently, the first commitment to that which I have resolved myself. But before considering the poem, we mustn’t overlook the essay’s title; for, from it, we can focus more clearly on the meaning of the poem specifically, as well as the body of work writ large.
Hardly can there be a title broader in meaning than “Nature,” for the word encompasses so much: the essence of the Natural Environment – all within the world and all the worlds within the universe; the essence of the Human Environment – all that which the mind thinks and the body feels; as well as the Environment of the Animal, which may or may not include humans, depending on one’s belief. Though broad and ambiguous, it is full of meaning, as any title should be, as it prepares our minds for all the largesse and grandeur that both Nature, Herself, and the mind and poetic ambition of Emerson can account for. The title, therefore, helps us greatly in our discovery, in that it prepares us to read both the poem and the essay with a universal and open mind, where metaphors and allusions are to be found with meaning, and meaning more.
The poem, itself an introduction to the introduction, is both untitled and unattributed. Often we find authors will select poems and quotes from others, mostly those recognized by history as being of the elite authorial class, as a preface or opening to his or her work. These introductions in brief are generally an attempt to provide a broad look into the author’s mind and, hopefully, to the direction that his or her writing will be taking us. However, as it is untitled, and as Emerson’s reputation precedes his work, for he, himself, is regarded by many to be an elite author, it is easy enough to assume that the poem is an original piece by him. Still, the poem remains untitled, which only means that we will have to rely more heavily on its content, looking closely at each sentence and the words within for us to gain of it our fullest appreciation. So with the poem, let us begin.
A subtle chain of countless rings / The next unto the farthest brings;
Right away, the poem’s “subtle chain” announces that in the essay, as in Nature, we should expect revelations of mysteries linked yet boundless; simple in form, perhaps, yet complex and profound in meaning. For the “subtle” or simple chain, a common yet powerful metaphorical device, enlightens us with its “countless rings” – its circles of life – by alluding to the eternal fact that Nature in all her majesty enjoins all together in common constituency within her universal realm, from the most diminutive to the most grand, “unto the farthest brings” – to the infinite’s endless end.
The eye reads omens where it goes;
Sad would be the soul who hasn’t walked even the shortest way into the wood or out into the empty, expansive field, to where everything slows down to quiet and allows one to hear Nature’s call, be it through the creaking sway of the trees or the hum of the wind upon the grass. For once where She Her presence reveals, so, too, will Her omens, signs signalling the nature of our Collective and Universal Soul through the mundane: acorns scattered on the wooded floor signals life’s endless cycle of birth and death, as the mist of the passing clouds signals the transformative and transient nature of life itself.
And speaks all languages of the rose;
While not all of us speak the same language, we all can look at the rose and equally understand its beauty. And, regardless of all the many different ways we may express it in words, we all have that same feeling of awe and humility as we arrive at that deep and soulful understanding of just how small our presence is when looking up towards that grand vastness above filled with its countless twinkling diamonds of light.
And, striving to be man, the worm / Mounts through all the spires of form
The line suggests that the worm in its striving is emulating our behavior; however, I read it as further suggesting that from the worm’s behavior we have learned to strive, from the worm we have evolved, and as the worm forever works through all forms of nature – be it the soil, the wood, the apple – to realize its true nature, we, too, forever work “through all spires of form” – be they the physical or metaphysical – continuous “unto the farthest brings,” as do links of an endless “subtle chain,” in a most noble and enduring of effort to realize our own true nature.
With this meditation on a one-word title and one-sentence poem we discover that, while both may appear simple in form, both hold complex and profound messages that are, we must assume, a herald’s call as to the further complexities and profundities that await us.
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psychedelic in the connection “as above, so below” or the conceptual understanding of similarities between strands of DNA and the spiral galaxy. well done. I enjoyed the read.
Thank you, m.a. I’m happy you enjoyed it. And thank you for your creative and interesting comments. I always enjoy them.
Enjoyed reading your thoughts!
Thank you, Emily. I’m glad you do and I really appreciate you letting me know.
Thank you,my friend. I’m glad you think so and very appreciative to you for saying so.
I had to run really quickly to an appointment and wanted to say more. The first article was truly excellent and it was good to feel my brain cells absorbing good information and re-learning and remembering why this author is such a treasure in so many ways. I am looking forward to more.
beautiful and profound my friend!
Always so kind and very encouraging, my friend. Thank you for that., tdm.
Kurt, your meditation took me back to my early days of graduate school, when I was taught the explication de texte (academia loves arcane terms, and French makes everything arcane). I loved the close reading, and mourned it being dropped from the curriculum several years later.
This is one of the best examples I’ve seen, and a lovely time travel experience for me to boot. Thanks for sharing.
Such a kind, encouraging comment. Thank you, Elizabeth. I truly appreciate it.
I remember plain as day how in college – a small Podunk community college no less – when I wound not be able to make heads nor tail of the obtuse and dense poems the instructor would assign and then marvel at him as if he were a super hero – or maybe mad scientist would be a better fit – when in class he would dissect and deconstruct a poem, one I had not been able to make even the slightest dent on, to its smallest parts, explaining and revealing things so clearly and obviously along the way; and then he would reconstruct it back to whole but with much deeper and profound meaning far exceeding its parts, like the Dr Frankenpoet he was. When finished, it felt as if my brain signals and thought processes had been completely recoded and reprogrammed, which enabled me to see the world through a different lens…all this from his deep reading and explanation of just one poem. It was quite a semester of learning.
This inspires me to read Emerson. Thank you.
And your encouraging and kind comment inspires me to read on… Thank you, frederick.
In nature we can see countless forms of rings, for example, the rings in a tree stump, the rings when we drop a pebble into the water, etc.
So very true. Nature’s omens abound…
Oooooh, nature’s omens. Now, that too is blog-post-worthy.
I am rereading Walden for the third time. I was contemplating reading Emerson as well. Your essay help stimulate my interest.
Revisiting Thoreau is on the to do list, as well. 🙂