Poetry Is My Balm

Many of the haiku and other poems in Short Verses & Other Curses were written as a therapeutic balm in response to my cancer. I don’t know why or how I survived all that nonsense but I suspect writing the poems helped at least a little.

Recent events make it seem to me that my country is suffering such a life-threatening and cancerous disease so I was naturally drawn to some of the poems I wrote for the collection. To some degree they helped again, if only as a temporary distraction from present reality.

I doubt if these poems have any healing power potent enough for all the ills sickening my nation; however, it is out of love and desperation that I shall share them with you now.

For the next day or so, please feel free to download the collection. If any of the poems move you in any way, I ask that you share your thoughts here in the comment section. If you have any other poetry that you believe will help relieve a troubled soul, I ask that you also share those with us as well.

You may download the collection by clicking on its book cover.
Short Verses


Thank you to all who downloaded a copy of the book and especially to those who left me such kind, encouraging comments. They mean very much to me.


11 thoughts on “Poetry Is My Balm”

  1. Thank you for sharing these poems with us. I’m in the midst of some difficulties right now, and your words were a balm to my soul today. I haven’t finished the compete volume yet, but so far I feel comforted. I hope others find the same to be true.

  2. Thanks for sharing. I too was so distraught over what happened and more so finding out just today. Normally my social media gets on the horn but not a word about this and that hurt worse. As I was festering about the event, I found one of those maudlin framed quotes we see from time to time and surprisingly the first line fit for the angst I was boiling over with. It said, “People are often unreasonable, illogical and self-centered; Forgive them anyway.” – Mother Theresa

  3. Thank you. I read a hundred of them. Tried to understand the emotions, hopes, peace, faith and realisations hidden in those words. Wonderfully written book. Good gift to your followers.

  4. I still dip into the verses, Kurt. I initially read them last Christmas when I was experiencing emotional difficulties; for me, there is something deeply enlightening contained within them. I would heartily, and gratefully, recommend them – particularly to buy, to continue to support Kurt with his art. We can never understand the mystery of life, and therein lies the magic.


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