Bone Marrow Transplant Schedule

Wednesday 2/24/10
@7:30am-Registration on the 1st floor of the Weinberg Building
a. Diagnostic lab studies.
b. @8:30am-Bone marrow aspirate and biopsy. Located on the 2nd floor of Weinberg in the infusion area.
c. Meet with R.N. at 9:30am. Located on the 2nd floor of the Weinberg Building.
d. Ct scans of the chest and sinus at 10:10am. Located on the 2nd floor of the Weinberg Building.
e. Chest x-ray at 11am. Located on the 2nd floor of the Weinberg Building.
f. @1pm-Spinal tap with IT chemo. Located on the 2nd floor of the Weinberg Building in the infusion area.

Thursday 2/25/10
a. Pulmonary function studies at 8am. Located on the 7th floor of the Outpatient Center. Please arrive by 7:30am to register.
b. EKG. Located on the 1st floor of the Outpatient Center in Express Testing. Register on the 1st floor of the Outpatient Center.

@12pm-Registration on the 1st floor of the Weinberg Building
c. @12:30pm-History and physical exam with CRNP.

Friday 2/26/10
a. Heart scan at 7:30am. Located in the Nelson basement in Nuclear Medicine. Please arrive by 7am.

Thursday 3/11/10
@7:30am-Register on the 1st floor of the Weinberg Building
a. @8am-Bone Marrow Education Class. Located on the 1st floor of the Weinberg Building in the Patient and Family Services Suite, suite 1210.
b. Meet with Dr. for a brief consultation at 9:30am.

Monday 3/22/10
@12:30pm-Register on the 1st floor of the Weinberg Building then go to IPOP-Located on the 5th floor of the Weinberg Building
Take the elevator to the 5th floor and make a right. Go through the door and check in with the receptionist.
a. Registration
b. Diagnostic lab studies
c. Meet with Dr. to sign consents at 1pm.
d. Meet with a nurse for an ideal body weight.
e. Meet with admitting to do your paperwork for admission on 3/24/10. Located on the 1st floor of the Weinberg Building. You must keep this appointment.

Wednesday 3/24/10
@12pm-Admit to start chemotherapy. Do not wait for a call to come in. Report to the nurse’s station on 5B.

Wednesday 3/31/10
Bone Marrow Transplantation

12 thoughts on “Bone Marrow Transplant Schedule”

  1. Wow! What a schedule! I knew it was a rather involved procedure, but didn’t realize a whole month. In the big picture though, what’s a little preparation, right? 🙂 I’m so thrilled it’s now set. Glad to see you are back home now too! Big hugs all around!

  2. If you don’t mind, I think I’ll follow you through every step you post here. Please keep posting and know you’re in the thoughts and hearts of many.

  3. Dang, Kurt!! That’s quite the schedule… I’m thinking you’re the tough one and I’m but a wuss w/my flip flops!! I’m thankful you’re able to get the procedure done–and am praying, hoping, & crossing my toes that it’s a giant success from beginning to end.

  4. Ciao Kurt,
    I must print this down or I’ll never be able to pray and think about you in the right spots! Except for March 31st, which is my brother-in-law birthday, and I thought it was nice ’cause you both are such great guys … Know from this side of the world we are all with you. Please keep us posted as much as possible!
    We love and miss you!!!

    • Ciao Barbara!
      It’s definitely going to be a busy March. Please tell you brother Happy Birthday in advance for me. Thanks for all the prayers and please give my love to your family.
      Love kurt.

  5. Dear Kurt,
    We’re keeping up to date on your progress through Kelli and through your blog. So very happy to hear that you will receive the bone marrow transplant next month. We pray for a “smooth” (it’s all relative I guess) 6 weeks leading up to the transplant. We count you and your family in our prayers each day. Thank goodness for a little thawing – hope it’s a little easier for you to get back and forth from Baltimore.

    We’ve got lots of Robins, cardinals and I think even a few blue birds here…..not to mention crows and geese. Need to put our birds on a diet! Will think of you lloking at your birds as we look out the window and see them scurrying around.

    Sending lots of good thoughts your way and greetings to Megi, Kiriko, Willis and Bobi.

    With love and support,
    Erin & Dave

    • Erin & Dave,
      It’s great to hear from you. I’m definitely looking forward to the snow melting and the onset of spring, though all the birds don’t seem to mind as long as I keep feeding them. Thanks so much for the prayers and good thoughts.
      Love kurt

  6. Kurt! Wow, had to rest a while after reading that schedule. However, so glad all this is scheduled and ready to go – can’t wait to get you healthy again. Miss you pal – love to you and the family.


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