Well, I make me a highly unsightly yet highly functional bed desk and manuscript holder in an effort to make the sorrowful task of writing a little less sorrowful, and from which I posted this self-aggrandizing semi-selfie (it has my feet in it anyway).
Write on!
Impressive woodworking skills.
Thanks, Eric. However, if you could see the jury-rigged jobs up close you’d be much less impressed. 🙂
I’m easily impressed with people who can work with wood,
I keep shoving odd scraps on top of a shelf in the garage and hoping they will somehow evaporate.
Your idea is better 🙂
Yeah, I was hoping it all would magically disappear for the longest time, too. 🙂
what i do is i try to flip them into wall shelves and keep them on as cupboards part of wardropes if they are in their original condition…well, i don’t do it myself, i get the carpenter to do it 🙂
Looks good! I’d do something similar, but I have three thousand starving woodworm to support…
Quite the humanitarian, I see. As for me, I always reserve the wood with the most worms for the fireplace. They make a nice popping sound. 😉
You cold-hearted killer, you!