
Hey! How about that?!

Our good friends over at COPING With Cancer magazine featured an excerpt from my little book HOW NOT TO DIE: In 13 Easy Steps in their recent edition.

Pretty cool, no?

Yes, indeed.

You can learn more about the magazine and all the good folks there doing God’s work here.

You can learn more about my book here.

You can check out the post the book was inspired by here.

And you can learn how I feel about pink as the color of cancer here.



3 thoughts on “COPING with #CANCER?”

  1. Congrats on your article and book. I am coping with cancer too and it sucks. None of the treatment they have tried has worked. Another Christmas suffering cause third type of chemo not working. Would love to hear how your book came about, want to write my own but find it hard to face it as I live it. I’ll review your book for you if you like

    • I’m sorry to hear about your condition. I actually started blogging after my diagnosis in 2009. It’s been a long road and my writing was great therapy. If you want to see my early writings you can search this site for “cancer” leukemia” “gvhd” or “health.” You can also see them in their original place at The book, itself, is just a self-indulgent compilation of the original post “How Not To Die” as well as relevant haiku and other writings. I wish you the best. You can email me through my contact page if you have any follow ups or just want to talk. 🙂


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