Remains to Be

New York-based Dancer Sarah Antal choreographed this beautiful dance routine to “Remains to Be,” a song from my sons’ band Aelios off their album “Refining Chaos.”



9 thoughts on “Remains to Be”

      • Really cool that you have such artistically inclined offspring ;-). My daughter wants to write, produce, direct, and act in film. Have no idea where she got that from (smiles knowingly as I work on my next book and drag that old script idea out of the trunk). Speaking of which, any updates on the movie? I’ve been excitedly checking your blog for the latest news. Would love to hear the process from start to premier when you get a chance.

        • The movie has been centimeters away from completion for months now but still have one more item to complete – colorization – and we’re there. When folks are working pro bono there’s not much one can do but wait for their schedule to open up. Yeah, I plan on putting something out to document the process. to go along with a “Making of Leave” documentary we put together during the filming. But that will be after I finish my current wip. Tell your talented daughter – Write on! 🙂

  1. Locations were fantastic. Music was lovely. So was the choreography. Slap my silly brain for wondering, all the way through the video, how many pairs of toe shoes she wore out on those cement pavers before this video got finished…

  2. Reblogged this on HappyNest in America and commented:
    Remains to Be

    Music: Aelios
    Film: @nojpan
    Dancers: Sarah Antal and Nick Burrage
    Choreography: Sarah Antal in collaboration with Nick Burrage

    ❖   ❖   ❖

    Remains to Be

    You know

    I’ll follow you

    All our stuff can fit in a bag

    All that’s come has come to pass

    Take your time, it’s yours to keep

    May all your dreams pervade your sleep

    Down the line there’s only peace

    With or without us remains to be seen

    Why did I chase it when I had it all?

    Now that I found it all that I wanted has come to pass

    With me as you please

    If we could be here

    Dreaming, falling, growing slow


    When we’re going home

    It’s clear your dwelling’s best for me

    From what I’ve seen

    #love #freedom #dream #happiness #bliss #peace #Life #inspiration #SarahAntal #NickBurrage #nojpan #Aelios #FourFreedomsPark #NYC


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