As Clowns

Ezra the Clown
Ezra the Clown
Haruki the Clown
Haruki the Clown
Gary the Clown
Gary the Clown
Franz the Clown
Franz the Clown
Ernest the Clown
Ernest the Clown
Tom the Clown
Tom the Clown
Johnny the Clown
Jonathan the Clown
Harvey the Clown
Harvey the Clown
Kurt the Clown aka Kurt the Greater Clown aka Kurt the Dead Clown
Kurt the Clown
Kurt the Greater Clown
Kurt the Dead Clown
Kurt the Clown
Kurt the Clown
Kurt the Lesser Clown
Kurt the (Barely) Living Clown

22 thoughts on “As Clowns”

    • As one would hope and expect at Scare Fest. 🙂 Do you all do that trick or treat thing? I read some Aussie’s post last night that there is a lot of resistance toward it in Oz because it’s so American; and my aunt who lives in the Netherlands (How awesome is that name … Nether Lands) says trick or treating is slowly picking up steam there.

      • Yes, Netherlands is a pretty cool name 😉 We do trick or treat. We also decorate our houses and have parties more and more in recent years, but nothing on the scale of the US. I’d love to experience Halloween in America. Our family have a party every year, but it’s mainly for the kids. Here Halloween tends to be a kid thing. The scare fest was a first for me and I held my daughter’s hand the whole way round – she was the one supporting me though…I was petrified! 🙂


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