If only we had sane, country first politicians in office who could run a functioning Congress that could take strategic advantage of the economic woes and geo-political fallout from the heavy-handed bullying and uncivil friendships that China has brought upon itself.
Yeah… if only.
Twenty years from now, if not sooner, when the dollar is no longer king* and the sole international currency of choice and, leveraging all the secrets it has stolen during the past decades from all our previously leading sectors, China has become the world’s leading economy and has manned a military base on the moon strong enough to thwart our dreams of space dominance, we’re going to be kicking ourselves in our bloated and ignorant political butts for missing this window of opportunity.
Or something like that…
Mr. Xi has been trying to stabilize relations with Washington, apparently pressed by China’s economic troubles and a desire to reduce Beijing’s diplomatic isolation. “We have a thousand reasons to grow the relationship between China and the United States, and none at all to ruin it,” Mr. Xi told American lawmakers in Beijing recently.
But with mutual distrust running deep, any easing of antagonism between the two sides could be tenuous.
Behind Public Assurances, Xi Jinping Spread Grim Views on U.S., New York Times, November 13, 2023
*non-gender specific
As an outside observer, I agree the U.S. congress doesn’t function very well. Policies change with the administration in power. China’s government is consistent and they cannot be trusted. They can simply wait for a more sympathetic U.S. administration, much like Putin had Trump.
Lucky for you that you’re on the outside looking in on our dysfunctional mess. The thing is, China is one of the most bipartisan issues we have. Just about everyone agrees they are our biggest strategic threat. What to do, what to do…
The free world wants the U.S. to lead, so we follow your politics and hope for the best.
May God, however one defines it if at all, bless us all… sigh
Very true. Though I was reading unlike the US, China’s military is not battle ready. The threat of violence and the willingness to use it directly or through proxies seems key.
Great point, one which I believe falls within our vary narrow window of opportunity. China and everyone else knows they are not battle tested and, unlike North Korea, risk adverse. Not saying I want to push so far as they feel the need to test their warfighting capabilities, but we should be flexing our battle-tested muscles noththeless.
We are too busy fighting amongst ourselves to be fully aware of the many dangers and threats around us. Not just USA, but here in the UK, and in Europe and elsewhere. Which particular god is going to bless us is a matter for debate. I doubt that any would even bother!
The tragedy to me is that I think most politicians are aware of what needs to be done; it’s just that they are too greedy and power hungry to put the greater good’s needs above their own narrow ones.
I write about accounting constantly and how businesses and major companies take advantage of their consumers. (starting with Universities.) Increased tuition. Everything is about money now.
When hasn’t everything been about money, really. Not seeing how your comment relates to the article? Can you elaborate a bit please?
Sorry for the late reply. In your first sentence talks about having sane politicians. But I think if they were insane, they wouldn’t be there in the first place. I think when they start seeing the sheer amount of money that the country is dealing with they become corrupt. You talk about how one day the dollar will not be relevant anymore but from an Economics and Accounting stand point, I think that the greed for money is going to increase
My hyperbole aside, I believe our insane politicians are most interested in power, the most absolute corrupter, and of course money is the bloodline for power. Also, I didn’t say/don’t believe the dollar will be irrelevant, though I do believe if we don’t work hard to counter China, it will certainly become less relevant, which will hurt all consumers worldwide, particularly US consumers.
Don’t disagree with your thesis, just don’t think it’s all that profound all things considering – there have been, always will be a direct association with power and a need/greed for money. The question will be what kind of money – the greenback or the yuan.
As you are an accountant, I would be interested in knowing what you believe the actual impact would be to the US consumer were the dollar to no longer be king.
I’ve always asked my Economics professor ‘Why don’t they just make one dollar that the entire world would use.’ And she simply turned to me and said ‘Well every country wants their own dollar.’
If it turns out to be Yuan, the US would trade more Chinese Stocks and take more Chinese contracts to get their currency.
For example: UK currency is greater in value than the US, so therefore Vanguard (a UK stockbroker site) is used prominently in America.
Just saying if the US dollar is no longer king, they’ll certain find ways to obtain the other higher currencies.
But it’s a mess. There’s many fights.
Greed, corruption, if it’s not about money, it’s about saving someone’s ego.
You should look at the number of so-called investors from China who bought huge amounts of land in America.
Yeah, reaction to present day Chinese land grabs in the U.S. is pretty much identical to the reaction of Japanese land grabs of the 80s, with one big exception: the fears and security risks seem to have been proven legitimate for the Chinese. So do have some new info for us as this topic is pretty well-covered by the media?
For your reference, watch this.
Can you just give me the executive summary please.
We need Trump back in office.
afathertohisbooks, what in the hell kind of books are you spawning to make you believe that that megalomaniac narcissistic Putin-wannabe needs to be back in office? Oh wait, you’re just joking me, right? Haha, good one.
Not a joke. Trump made America great and feared.
Remember $2.00 gas?
Well, if it wasn’t a joke, you and your cult brothers and sisters are – a very bad one. Look, I don’t have time nor the inclination to respond to your destructive/moronic anti-American ideals. Go try to start your resurrection somewhere else, traitor.
We have had Biden so long you may have forgotten..