A Life Not Lost In Time…

Very sorry to see that the great Rutger Hauer has passed. He was one badass mofo on the big screen and in life; and he killed it in Blade Runner, one of the most badassest films ever.

Actually one of the roles of his I liked almost as much as Roy Blatty was his portrayal of the quirky faerie Niall Brigant on HBO’s True Blood. The show itself was pretty goofy but Rutger was brilliant in it.

Dang, it seems like everyone is going to die eventually, doesn’t it…

Anyway, HEAVY.COM has a pretty good write-up about him if you’re looking for one.


Featured image courtesy of HEAVY.COMM

12 thoughts on “A Life Not Lost In Time…”

  1. Thanks. Rutger Hauer was one of my favourite actors, and Blade Runner one of the reasons I love sci-fi so much. I’d forgotten that final scene. How odd that Hauer died in 2019, the very year in which Blade Runner was set. Vale Rutger Hauer.


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