My Chemo Brain Counter-Offensive

So… yeah. I’ve been having some chemo brain issues for quite a while now and I’m in search of interesting ways to build up my brain muscle to counter these “cognitive disorder” side-effects, as my neurologist so neatly calls them.

I’ve never been a board game – or any game for that matter – kind of guy, but I’ve read and I’ve heard anecdotal evidence that board games do help with one’s focus and clarity issues.

With this anecdotal evidence as my impetus, of course I went to Amazon, the event horizon of the internet, and searched around for what the best board game for my particular interests would be.

And I found this:

Cards Against Humanity
As you can see, it tags itself as “A party game for horrible people.” And while I don’t feel that I’m all that horrible, after reading a few of the many thousands of reviews, it does seem like a game that would appeal to my interests.

Does that make me so horrible?

That was rhetorical.


Which brings me to the point of this pointy post…

Research, with you being my source information.

Have you played the game? And if so, what do you think of it? Is it fun? Challenging? Stoopid? Do you feel you have a stronger brain because of your playing it?

And don’t worry, just because you played the game doesn’t mean I will judge you as a horrible person.


I will, however, admire your courage for admitting it.

If you’re not familiar with the game, you can learn more about it here.


29 thoughts on “My Chemo Brain Counter-Offensive”

  1. One of my all-time favorite games, if you happen to have a few gutter minded friends as I most definitely do, I’d highly recommend it for some laugh therapy. As Johanna said, I don’t know about a stronger brain, but they say laughter is the best medicine, so maybe? 🙂

  2. I’ve played it a few times. With my adult kids and their friends. It’s very very funny, and can be very, very uncomfortable as well, depending on who you are playing with. A Particularly suitable game for those that tend to fall on the snarky side of the spectrum. I think trying to make those unusual associations, and the sheer level of horror/humor at your own depravity exercise the brain. I don’t think I’m a horrible person, but I definitely needed a bath after I play.It’s a symbolic bath, but necessary.

  3. I used to play this quite a bit mostly with college friends having a few adult beverages. It’s really funny and infinitely replay able since it depends more on the group you are playing with than the cards themselves. It can get really creative and the answers people choose and come up with might shock you. Great game, but I wouldn’t count on it to help with brain development. If you like strategy games you might want to check out Settler’s of Catan. A bit geeky but it can be fun.

  4. Marbles the Brain store has lots of good puzzles/games to help, too. And Mom recommends taking krill oil, if you aren’t already. As an aside – now Mom wants to get this game and have some evil fun. Woof! Love, Maggie

  5. I think I could have invented this game. Never heard of it, but will definitely take a look – particularly as it will suit my menopausal brain which renders me with ZERO TOLERANCE over just about everything these days. Kurt, it may not clear the brain fog, but you’ll enjoy the hilarity of hate at least!

  6. This game is is so funny! I don’t think it strengthened my brain. It is more like an adult version of apples to apples. The more people you play with, the funnier this game is. I don’t think anyone who plays it is a horrible person, it’s all in good fun! 😉

  7. My favorite cards are the multiples, where you play two or even three answers to the prompt. You can get really creative with those. Also trying to match your answer to a particular person’s humor is good exercise. It good fun, but rude.

  8. I’ve played it. It’s a great way to really get to know your friends and family in ways you might not have dreamed. My wife, for instance, was Googling many of the terms. That explains so much.


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