Crossing One Thin Line After Another

History shows us there is a thin line between outrage and unrest, between unrest and riot, and between riot and revolution. And it seems lately that we are constantly crossing these lines, that we are constantly on the edge and on the verge of being pushed to the limit, that every day, somewhere in the … Read more

The Power of Money, the Money of Power

There is much ado in the news about China’s Wen Jiabao, the supposed People’s Premier, accumulating a massive fortune, for both himself and his extended family, while serving within the highest ranks of China’s government. According to New York Times reporting: Many relatives of Wen Jiabao, including his son, daughter, younger brother and brother-in-law, have … Read more

Rise Up!

And we all know that to improve something, you don’t need to focus on what is all ready working, you need to focus on those areas that are under lubricated and mis-aligned and need a little re-balancing.
It’s the squeaky, protesting wheel that is gonna get the oil first.
So be assured that I intend to be one annoying squeaky protesting wheel from time to time.
All I ask from you is that you help supply the oil in any amount and in any way you can.