Crossing One Thin Line After Another

History shows us there is a thin line between outrage and unrest, between unrest and riot, and between riot and revolution. And it seems lately that we are constantly crossing these lines, that we are constantly on the edge and on the verge of being pushed to the limit, that every day, somewhere in the … Read more

Insurance Insures Ensures My Frustration

Back in February of this year, I posted the following gripe to my personal facebook page (as opposed to my public facebook page): I am fortunate to have a rather decent long-term disability policy with Mutual of Omaha, which I, thankfully, purchased through my former employer prior to the diagnosis of my cancer. One of … Read more

Rise Up!

And we all know that to improve something, you don’t need to focus on what is all ready working, you need to focus on those areas that are under lubricated and mis-aligned and need a little re-balancing.
It’s the squeaky, protesting wheel that is gonna get the oil first.
So be assured that I intend to be one annoying squeaky protesting wheel from time to time.
All I ask from you is that you help supply the oil in any amount and in any way you can.

In Defense of the American Way of Life

I think and I write about all of this BS, this Way of Life BS and that way of life BS and all the goofy-looking uniform BS and all my pretentious and pedantic intent versus impact BS while I am being completely overwhelmed and embarrassed by the ridiculous politics and even more ridiculous politicians behind the current budget battle crisis that America is currently tearing itself apart over.

National Nervous Breakdown

Instinctively, I want to say that it is the bad economy and the stress that it has been inflicting on our nation as a whole that is responsible for all these insane violent crimes; however, after a quick search of the topic, I’ve found that, according to the FBI, violent crime has actually been decreasing, even during the economic crisis.