Peak Elon

space technology research science

Ever since gazillionaire Elon Musk got high with Joe Rogan on Rogan’s podcast…

He has steadily gotten weirder and weirder.

This is even above and beyond his self-confessed, and self-admiring, weird megalomaniacal Napolean Bonaparte complex.

But I’m not here to bash on Elon today*.

Because I recently logged into his Starlink network.

And let me tell you…

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Rainy Season, AI-Imagined

I’ve always wanted to write and illustrate a graphic novel. But that would be a lot of work. Too much for someone as uninspired and unartistic as yours truly. So I figured why not give one of the AI machines a shot at illustrating some of my writing since they seem to be all the … Read more

This is a no brainer…

Pun intended. Comparing George Orwell’s “1984″ to Aldous Huxley’s “Brave New World,” Postman then added that, “What Orwell feared were those who would ban books. What Huxley feared was that there would be no reason to ban a book, for there would be no one who wanted to read one. Orwell feared those who would … Read more

Was thinking about converting one of my books into a GIF and selling it as an NFT*…

Until I read this: Ethereum uses as much electricity as all of Libya, and the digital artist Memo Atken calculated that, due to the blockchain transactions involved in minting an NFT, the average NFT has a carbon footprint equal to over a month of the average EU citizen’s electricity usage. *Yeah, I have no idea … Read more

And the geeks shall inherit the earth…

Or something like that. For all you computer nerds out there, this is an excellent read from Wired on the making, undoing, and remaking of a hacker. Tried to highlight some of the spooky goings on of the Dark Web in my last book The Good Kill. That stuff fascinates me in an horrifying, schadenfreude … Read more

Goodreads, Goodreads… Wherefore Art Thou Goodreads?

You know, I’ve tried and I’ve tried…

I really have!

I have tried and I have tried to maintain a loving relationship with Goodreads.

I’ve done everything it’s asked me to do.

I’ve set up both a user and an Author account…

I’ve added all my books, both the ones I’ve written and (most of) the ones I’ve read…

I’ve sent out friend requests to other users who seem to have like literary tastes as I…

I’ve friended those who’ve requested the same of me…

But after nearly a decade of trying to find meaning and purpose in my relationship with Goodreads, all it’s ever shown me has been indifference and insurmountable complexities.

It and I just have never been able to click.

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A Web Security PSA Because I Love You

Okay, I’ve never used Cloudflare before and I don’t own any stocks in it that I know so I’m passing this info along simply because I’m a dude* who hates having my cookies tracked and Facebook selling me out to the Russians and all the other creepy Dark Web stuff (or is it Deep Web stuff?) that I always feel threatened by and I assume you’re of the same mind, may god bless your poor soul if you are.

If you’re not familiar with Cloudflare, here is what pops up when asking Bing, what is Cloudflare:

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Maybe Elon has a point…

While I’m a big admirer of Elon Musk and all he’s been able to accomplish, I’ve always been a bit skeptical about his alarmist rhetoric regarding Artificial Intelligence’s threat to humanity, seeing it more as a means for him to groom future volunteers for a one-way ticket to a Mars colony. Not a bad strategy, … Read more