But, in all honesty…
I’m a little scared…
I am afraid that when I tell you about that which lays so heavily on my heart…
You will immediately lose all respect for me…
And end our friendship…
But it’s really something I have to do…
Something I have been yearning to do for some time now…
But society says it’s bad…
That good boys and girls should never, ever do this…
That it’s against “the law”…
The “law”…
Who makes these “laws” anyway…
The pious…
The pedant…
You know, those kind…
The beautiful ones…
The ones oh so righteous
And the ones oh so true…
Just tell me…
Why do these hypocrites have the right to tell me how I should direct my love…
Every single one of them…
They, themselves, are constantly doing exactly that which they so fervently condemn…
They don’t think I see them wallowing in their hypocrisy…
But I do…
They, in all their self-righteousness, are no better than me…
Or you…
And yet they think they can, with the stroke of their red pen…
Or with the stinging criticism of their lashing tongue…
Keep us perfectly in our place…
Directly in their control…
Like the little lambs that we are…
The lemmings…
And for so long, they have done just that…
Because I have let them…
I have let them have power over me…
I have suppressed all that I so strongly desired just so I could abide their “laws”…
And reap their favor…
And their praise…
How I longed to not love that which I have loved for so long…
That which was strictly forbidden to me…
But tonight…
Right now…
I revoke their power…
And assume it for myself…
Tonight, right now, I have the power…
And with that power I will openly declare my love for that which they forbid…
That which for centuries has been considered evil and taboo…
Literally, to them, a mortal sin…
But tonight I shall rise up…
Tonight I shall break the conventions of normalcy…
Tonight I shall shed the chaffing shackles of oppression and humiliation…
Tonight I shall boldly and unabashedly declare my love and my devotion…
My all and my everything…
To the alluring, the sexy…
The more than a little naughty…
The compulsively and completely addictive…
The one thing that I am happily head over heals for…
And desperately in love with…
The sadly shunned…
The fatuously forsaken…
The miserably misunderstood…
You got me!!!
There was so much anticipation in your writing that I did’nt know what is that bother you! The end was absolutely beautiful and surprising!!
Thank you, elliebelfiglio. I had fun writing it.
As a staunch defender of the adverb’s right to exist, I understand where you’re coming from. When I see some writer use bad grammar in order to avoid adverbs, I want to metaphorically hit that person with the metaphorical cyber-fish I keep around for hitting annoying people.
I endorse your metaphorical cyber-fish vigilantism.
I see that they are positively very, very necessary
Oh dear — don’t let Stephen King hear you say this!

Loved it — unashamedly
Sir Stephen, indubitably!
All hail …..! o.O
Stephen King uses adverbs, too. Don’t believe the propaganda.
propaganda written by the beautiful people…
He uses some, yes, but not as many as we do.
“The road to hell is paved with adverbs.”
― Stephen King, On Writing: A Memoir of the Craft
I’d be more impressed if you would have expressed yourself a bit more adverbially.
I know…I noticed afterwards that others had done such, but I carelessly ignored the prior ones. Nicely done. I didn’t know you were coming out of the Adverb Closet!
it was a long time coming
Rad and truly well penned!.
Fantastic post. Best wishes to you,
Thank you for the totally rad compliment, Aquileana
I sometimes blog against adverb-hate…
Short version: If it modifies a verb, it’s an adverb. NO ONE can completely avoid adverbs, because even words like “not” and “yet” and “however” are adverbs. Anyone who claims that they never use adverbs is either a liar or grossly uninformed as to what an adverb actually is (’cause “never” IS an adverb).
This whole story is telling when, were and why, I’m an artist , writing man laughing because of this eureka moment. Thank You Kurt for the concept of something new.
Write on, Artist!
I was terribly concerned about you as I read feverishly. Then I laughed heartily. Can you tell, I love adverbs passionately?
Absolutely positively.
I thought this piece was going in a very different direction, you have great control in your writing. Kudos
Your kudos are much appreciated, mckarlie.
Thanks for coming by to check things out.