“The Way” of Technology

Well, my bold Westworld binge-watching bonanza proclamation turned out to be nothing more than a bunch of ballyhooed BS…

I only got through the fourth episode before running out of time.

Consequently, I can’t provide anything much in the way of a review. But I can provide a bit of feedback that might mean something about its watchability

Which is… I kept falling asleep while watching it.

Now, full disclosure, I’ve taken some of my best naps during what turned out to be some of my favorite shows so my inability to stay awake while watching Westworld in and of itself doesn’t mean that much.

As for what I was able to stay awake for… I really like what it is trying to do in concept; however, its execution…

Not so much.


Anyway, I’d still like to [try] to finish the season some day. Hopefully it will either make its way to Amazon Prime soon or SlingTV will give us another HBO promotional freebie.

I will say though, from what little I did see of the show, it did get me to thinking/wondering (I know, I know… always dangerous).

But I was thinking/wondering how much it would actually cost to build and maintain a “park” such as the one in Westworld.

Probably less than it would cost to build a Death Star, I’m sure. But still ungodly amounts, nonetheless.

Which then got me to thinking about another futuristic show, a prequel to Battlestar Galactica (perhaps the best TV show ever…BSG 2.0, that is… oh, and while we’re on the subject of BSG — RIP Captain Apollo) called “Caprica.”

Although nowhere near as polished a production as Westworld, I think Caprica’s execution, as well as its premise, as well as its more and more interesting side-stories — religion; evils of capitalism; organized crime; family — is fantastic.

While both shows envision a future where our fantasies can be realized through technology, Westworld realizes its fantastical expression through human interaction with robots and Caprica through human experience within virtual reality.

I just don’t think there will be enough human and economic capital available any time soon to be able to focus it on such a brain power and resource-dependent endeavor like a Westworld.

Which is why I believe Caprica outlines a more believable, and feasible, future for us than does Westworld… at least in the near-term future.

Too bad it got canned after the first season. It has so much potential. But, as it stands, it still does a yeoman’s job of setting up BSG nicely.

And while both shows seem (I say seem because at this sleepy point I can only presume how the first season of Westworld concludes) to be on a path that will ultimately lead to a dangerous confrontation with an aware robotic technology, virtual reality at least gives us an additional bonus while on that path to realize/attain/become a true heaven, hell, and that “I Am That I Am” God, Her/Him/It/All, Itself.

Yes, you heard it here first — Technology is The Way to Enlightenment.

Okay, you probably heard that somewhere else first but it is the first time you’ve heard it here because it’s the first time I said it here.


So, yes, of course we must be wary of the robots enslaving us, but it will only happen after we have entered through The Pearly Gates, or virtually any other place we wish to go/be/become via the virtual reality of our choosing.

And once we reach that virtual heaven (or hell) of place, who cares if the robots turn us into The Matrix, right?

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