Best Horror Film of 2024

I’m always looking to be spooked in an intellectually plausible and unsettling cinematic way. Unfortunately, most modern horror flicks consistently fail me. However, I just watched a production that hits the mark spot on and it has chilled me right down to the marrow of my bones. Just never imagined such a horrific accomplishment could … Read more

Hope Apple’s new car comes with a fully armored option

 The company has apparently decided to pursue a vehicle that would not feature steering wheels or pedals in what sounds like the most futuristic automotive project we’ll have ever seen. Moreover, Apple reportedly plans to launch its first-generation autonomous car as early as 2025. Apple plans to launch a fully autonomous car as soon as … Read more

Technological Stones… or Lack Thereof

So about this US Government versus ‪‎Apple‬ debacle re: unlocking the San Bernardino ‪‎terrorists‬’ ‪‎iPhone‬… It’s been confounding me as to the solution for a while now. It falls into the broad national/global discussion that’s been going on since 9/11 as to what is the proper balance when it comes to ‎Privacy‬ versus ‪‎Security‬? Is … Read more

If You Can’t Beat ‘Em…

Furthering the music discussion from a few posts down… So now the New York Times is reporting that Radiohead frontman Thom Yorke is releasing his latest solo project, “Tomorrow’s Modern Boxes,” via BitTorrent for a mere six bucks. BitTorrent will take 10% off the top and Yorke pockets the rest. That’s right, the same band … Read more

Freemium Outrage

Okay, wait a minute…I thought we were permanently ensconced — imprisoned? — in the Age of Free, in an era where either you give it away or it will be illegally downloaded from you…or ignored completely. What gives then, Millennials, with all the outrage over Apple’s gift – gift meaning free, the word that has … Read more