Transgender Community* Trumped by the Arc and Bent of Autocratic Politics

My fury throughout the whole last campaign to and through the election until now has never been much about politics.

Politics in this country, while they have been expanding outward toward the wacky fringes leaving the mostly moderate radicals (the rarity of moderates these days makes us rather radical) like myself quite lonely, have always, and hopefully will continue to, arc this way and that.

Because if our politics are not forever fluid and free to flow this way and that depending upon the tides of our national temperament, then it must mean that someone must have dammed up our river of democracy.

Metaphors… sigh.

Anyway, I don’t know if you’ve read my about page but there you will see in one sentence how I feel about politics and politicians…

To me, politics is simply acting for ugly people. Pretty actors go to Hollywood; ugly actors go to Washington DC.

Consequently, as our politics arc to and fro in this country, our politicians arc right along with them…only always just slightly behind the arc as they forever fail in their efforts to try to predict its toing and froing.

No, my fury for the most part has been directed solely at Trump and his bent towards authoritarianism; which means then that the more he contorts himself into a true to life autocrat, the more he is strengthening his power at the expense of my freedoms…

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In Defense of the American Way of Life

I think and I write about all of this BS, this Way of Life BS and that way of life BS and all the goofy-looking uniform BS and all my pretentious and pedantic intent versus impact BS while I am being completely overwhelmed and embarrassed by the ridiculous politics and even more ridiculous politicians behind the current budget battle crisis that America is currently tearing itself apart over.

The Extreme Costs of Extremities

If tolerating the non-violent, First Amendment-sanctioned views and expressions of Westboro Baptist Church, and the KKK, and the Nation of Islam, or any other hate group is the price we have to pay for freedom, then it must be paid.