The Pandemic of/and Poverty

If I were king** for a day of these less than United States, I would mandate UBI and the only requirements to receive it for those subjects of mine so impoverished would be for the entire household to receive regular health checkups and for all school-age children within the household to stay in school…

All that is certain to me are Death, Taxes, and that…

China will soon be replacing the [less-than-]United States as the world’s new Evil Overlord

And will soon thereafter be usurped by the Evil Robots.

Anyway, speaking of Taxes and seeing how ‘Tis the Season of and all that… Did you know that, as Americans, we spend annually:

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It’s FTW! Because We Love to Win! – part 1

The only thing that I hate more than an annoying nitpicker constantly hounding for and finding and resolutely declaring over and over again the error(s) of my way(s), is knowing that my ways are errored and not knowing how to fix them.