Poeting hard on this most poetic of days…

POETIC LICENSE Thank God for the passionate poet Who trumpets the sun’s morning rise And who writes lovely, pretty sad songs Of young lovers’s heartbreaking goodbyes Thank God for the passionate poet Who reaches right into the heart To stroke it, to tease it, to please it And sometimes to tear it apart #NATIONALPOETRYDAY2014 ~~~~ … Read more

From Poem Man – Petey Peter the Garlic Eater

My review of Maugham’s masterpiece OF HUMAN BONDAGE reminded me of a poem I wrote and which was included in POEM MAN, a children’s poetry book my family and I published back at the turn of the century. The book is currently out of print, but here is what the poem has to say:

September 20, 2011

Regardless of whether my novel is actually published on September 20, 2011, or not, the date will always be special to me since it was DADT, or more specifically, since it was all the harassment and abuse and even murder that was inflicted on so many service members because of DADT, that served as the impetus for why I wrote the novel to begin with.

Exploiting the Crisis

Do you think I really would have been able to pursue my life-long love of writing as aggressively as I am doing now had I not become stricken with cancer and then a chronic, debilitating lung disease?

I think not…

Preparing for the End

How else can I best exploit for my own bloated self-indulging interest the pain, suffering, and humiliation of thousands of those who served their country during the course of the life of the humiliating DADT policy than by releasing on or about the date of DADT’s death a book with themes that attempt to illustrate the pain, suffering, and humiliation of those who served while being humiliated by the DADT policy?


BOOK | FICTION | LITERATURE THE CORRECTIONS by Jonathan Franzen RATING: ★ ★ ★ ★ In 2001, after reading all the hype and controversy, as well as the fawning reviews of Jonathan Franzen’s THE CORRECTIONS, I thought to myself that I need to read this new It Author and made plans to rush out and … Read more

Our Cancer Year

BOOK | NON-FICTION | GRAPHIC NOVEL | HEALTH OUR CANCER YEAR by Harvey Pekar RATING: ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ I have been neck-high into the medical establishment since my leukemia diagnosis in November 2009. Consequently, while I do not consider myself an expert of the establishment by any stretch of the imagination, I do … Read more