All I’m Conscious of…

Is what I’m conscious of. You dig? Put with brutal succinctness, Damasio’s brief goes like this: Mental activity consists of a stream of “images” that map aspects of the world around us. But these images, by themselves, cannot be conscious. For that, they must be related to a perspective, an “owner,” a self — this, … Read more

A Pebble is a Rock is a Mountain is Me

I look at the little pebble at my feet and can’t help but think But for the grace of god go I And then laugh Not out of humor But of fear Because he’s nowhere But within the magic of my mind The madness For, but for the grace of chance goes that pebble at … Read more

Proverbs and a Poem

How long, you simpletons, will you insist on being simpleminded? How long will you mockers relish your mocking? How long will you fools hate knowledge? Proverbs 1:22, New Living Translation O, but the mockers’ cry Makes my heart afraid, As though a flute of bone Taken from a heron’s thigh, A heron crazed by the … Read more