Don’t be a Doormat

I myself have never been able to find out precisely what feminism is: I only know that people call me a feminist whenever I express sentiments that differentiate me from a doormat. ― Rebecca West #notetoself #timesup

Meet our 2016 National Book Award Winner


Colson Whitehead was born in 1969, and was raised in Manhattan. After graduating from Harvard College, he started working at the Village Voice, where he wrote reviews of television, books, and music… COLSONWHITEHEAD.COM



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Shackled To History

Back in the wonderful Nineties (Nirvana, 2Pac, The Matrix, Fight Club, etc…), I took a break from my normal Navy telecommunications gig to spend a few years in a special assignment as an Equal Opportunity Advisor.

To become qualified as an EOA, I had to attend three months of very intense and in-depth training at the military’s Defense Equal Opportunity Management Institute at Patrick Air Force Base in Cocoa Beach, Florida.

Let’s just say becoming an EOA is not the typical choice of an extremely White and WASPy dude like myself; so, due to the lack of other white, WASPy dudes like myself enrolled at the institute, it was one of those rare times in my life where I was in both the racial and gender minority for any significant amount of time.

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YOUR DREAMS ARE DEAD | A Relating to Humans Women’s Issues Feature

YOUR DREAMS ARE DEAD by perfect_mayhem These four words flew into the forefront of my brain along with what felt like gallons of blood as I was bent over the floor around my son’s desk retrieving his crumpled up artistic attempts. He is nearly 7 years old and a truly gifted artist. I do not … Read more

PARIS | A Relating to Humans Women’s Issues Feature

PARIS by elizabeth stokkebye Seventeen and in Paris on my own. It was my first encounter with the city of love and I was fortunate to stay with an aunt and uncle, who both being workaholics, left me with oceans of time to explore. I hurried out the door to experience the vast world of … Read more

Two Marines walked into a bar…

…and the Sailor ducked. Ba dum bump! #militaryhumor Okay, just a couple of quick announcements while I’ve got your attention. I am overwhelmed with happiness and joy now that it is Spring, and because of all the wonderful submissions we’ve received to the Relating to Humans Women’s Issues feature in celebration of Women’s History Month. … Read more

HEROES FOR A MODERN GIRL | A Relating to Humans Women’s Issues Feature

HEROES FOR A MODERN GIRL by Pamela Schloesser Canepa The poet Maya Angelou shared wise words that moved me so. Songbird Nina Simone Did not fear walking alone. Nikki Giovanni Laid the truth on me. Mom bravely raised me alone, in the warmest, loving home. Simone deBouvaire taught me women are not property. Toni Morrison’s … Read more

DESPITE IT ALL, BECAUSE OF IT ALL | A Relating to Humans Women’s Issues Feature

DESPITE IT ALL, BECAUSE OF IT ALL by lorieb I grew up in a large family, the youngest girl and second youngest of six children, with two sisters and three brothers. Despite that, or perhaps because of that, I have always wanted to have a large family myself. My husband on the other hand, grew … Read more

Should He Stay Or Should He Go?

Last year it was announced that the US Treasury Department was planning to remodel the ten-dollar bill by replacing its current male model, Alexander Hamilton, with a female model. That was before the Broadway musical “Hamilton” became a huge success… and the play’s creator and star and Presidential First Rapper, Lin-Manuel Miranda, had subsequently become … Read more

THE LIES WE TELL OURSELVES | A Relating to Humans Women’s Issues Feature

THE LIES WE TELL OURSELVES         by Manivillie Kanagasabapathy ** TRIGGER WARNING: Abuse ** Deep Brown eyes stare back at me, Fleeting whispers floating between us, Shadows creep silently, Across broad brown shoulders, The darkness melding within the chocolate hues, Lengthening to point accusingly, At the faded bruise That still held faint … Read more