Musically speaking…

This wonderful, seemingly lesser-known, online music mag provides a very meaty, eclectic new music mix download each month all for the low cost of you subscribing to their newsletter – CMJ (back in the dark ages all this used to happen each month within the confines of a slick paper magazine and the mix was … Read more

Inside Your Head There's a Record That's Playing

Hold ON   They hung a sign up in our town “if you live it up, you won’t live it down” So, she left Monte Rio, son just like a bullet leaves a gun With charcoal eyes and Monroe hips she went and took that California trip Well, the moon was gold, her hair like … Read more

If You Can’t Beat ‘Em…

Furthering the music discussion from a few posts down… So now the New York Times is reporting that Radiohead frontman Thom Yorke is releasing his latest solo project, “Tomorrow’s Modern Boxes,” via BitTorrent for a mere six bucks. BitTorrent will take 10% off the top and Yorke pockets the rest. That’s right, the same band … Read more

Freemium Outrage

Okay, wait a minute…I thought we were permanently ensconced — imprisoned? — in the Age of Free, in an era where either you give it away or it will be illegally downloaded from you…or ignored completely. What gives then, Millennials, with all the outrage over Apple’s gift – gift meaning free, the word that has … Read more

About a Fanboy

I love all kinds of music. I especially love Rock music—particularly of the Indie variety—and Bluegrass music—particularly of the Traditional variety—and Classical music—particularly of the Baroque variety—and Rap—particularly of the Gangster variety. I prefer my music new as opposed to old and live as opposed to recorded. And I’m always a sucker for musical street performers…