THE EMPEROR WEARS NO CLOTHES!: A Guest Post by Author Avril Meyler

We are all familiar with the term “The Emperor Wears No Clothes.” An expression arising from a tale told of a young boy who in his innocence declared aloud during a parade by the ruling King of the Realm, where everyone had to bow down to the King’s will. “The Emperor Wears No Clothes!” as … Read more

A World At War Just Like It Was Yesterday: HAWSER – A Review

BOOK | FICTION | LITERARY HAWSER by J Hardy Carroll RATING: ★ ★ ★ ★ To one who considers some of his favorite literary works to be those about World War II – SLAUGHTERHOUSE FIVE and CATCH 22 being the obvious ones – the war seems to be very present for me, when in fact … Read more

Paul Xylinides, a literary fiction author in the classical sense for our less than literary contemporary times – A Review

BOOK | FICTION | LITERARY THE WILD HORSES OF HIROSHIMA by Paul Xylinides RATING: ★ ★ ★ ★ I could have spent the time writing this review of Indie Author Paul Xylinides’s novel The Wild Horses of Hiroshima comparing and contrasting it with other similar works of literary fiction, or I could have attempted to … Read more

Summing Up Maugham’s OF HUMAN BONDAGE

I suppose the easiest, and quickest, way to sum up Maugham’s Of Human Bondage would be to write something along the lines of “most men lead lives of quiet desperation and go to the grave with the song still in them,” which appears to be the case for the story’s protagonist Phillip Carey.

Summing Up Maugham's OF HUMAN BONDAGE

I suppose the easiest, and quickest, way to sum up Maugham’s Of Human Bondage would be to write something along the lines of “most men lead lives of quiet desperation and go to the grave with the song still in them,” which appears to be the case for the story’s protagonist Phillip Carey.