…then something ain’t right





Musically speaking…

This wonderful, seemingly lesser-known, online music mag provides a very meaty, eclectic new music mix download each month all for the low cost of you subscribing to their newsletter – CMJ

(back in the dark ages all this used to happen each month within the confines of a slick paper magazine and the mix was presented on an exciting and tangible thing called a CD, if you can imagine)

While I tend to bounce around from music service to music service (mostly pandora and tunein (see About), this station was my first find oh so long ago and is still my favorite, mostly because their streams are programmed by humans with hot blood coursing through their veins that percolate various and ever changing brews of moods and vibes and feelings that respond like a lava lamp to the life going on around them instead of by the tuneless pings of zeroes-and-ones-eyed spybots…and also because the site still has that new 90s internet web 1.0 smell to it – 3WK

And finally, I have been listening to Dashboard Confessional (does it change anything between us, you now knowing that I like Dashboard’s music?) lead singer Chris Carrabba’s new band, Twin Forks, for literally, oh yes I did just say literally, two straight days now. It’s a blast of banjo playin’ whistle whistlin’ toe tappin’ hand clappin’ folksy Americana of the most righteous sort, yet with an odoriferous air of sweet freshness all about it. Their site has a handy player at the top that allows you to “listen while browsing” to three of their songs off their self-titled debut album. And yes, you can still feel Carrabba’s heart-felt emotion slapping you in your face like a honey-soaked sponge (a real one, from the sea, not one of those puny fake square things) when he sings, but now it’s emotion without the emo (so to speak). The site also features two videos, one of which I have placed just so, just for you, right here within this private little post of ours. Now, I’m not sure what all the drama is about in the first minute and 17 seconds of the clip, but when the music kicks in afterwards, I dare you to not wiggle or tap in time with it at least some part of your blood coursing, human-like body.





I’m told to be polite to my teacher.
And of course, to my principal, as well.
If I’m smart I’ll be polite to the policeman,
Or he just might put me in jail.

I ought to be polite to the doctor,
Cuz she’s gonna cure my flu.
And I better be polite to the lawyer,
In case I ever get sued.

The rule, I’m told, is to be polite
To all the grownups I see.
But my own rule is I’ll be as polite
As the grownups are to me.

From Poem Man



These moving images were selected from the results of a search I did on the term “PTSD” through foter. Attributes and rights can be found in lower right corner of each image.

Peace be to the sufferers and those who care for them.


The Intensity of PTSD
Truthout.org / Foter / CC BY-NC-SA
PTSD Nation
Truthout.org / Foter / CC BY-NC-SA
Soaptree / Foter / CC BY
otisarchives4 / Foter / CC BY
Dr.S.Ali Wasif / Foter / CC BY-NC-ND
Inner Anguish!
Dr.S.Ali Wasif / Foter / CC BY-NC-ND
Dr.S.Ali Wasif / Foter / CC BY-NC-ND

The Tickle Café

The Tickle Cafe

There’s a café on the corner,
And it’s a most unusual place.
For the café’s only business
Is to put a smile upon your face.

This café is the place to go
If you’re feeling rather sad.
The waiters there don’t wait at all…
Their job is to make you glad.

So when you’re feeling grouchy,
Or sad, or even just fickle,
Just go to the café on the corner
And have yourself a tickle.



To Be a Superpower or Not To Be a Superpower, That Is Not the Question…

22/52 : Tian an Men
Eric Constantineau – www.ericconstantineau.com / Foter / CC BY-NC

Whether China is or is yet to be, or if it even wants or wants not to be a superpower are not the important questions to me. One way or the other, the answer is or will be yes. An important question for me is, how will China manage its increasingly powerful role in the world while also managing the consumption requirements of its increasingly demanding and aggressive population.

Of course, controlling the flow of information — internet censorship, for example — within and without of the country, will be key to its strategy of ascent to the highest heights of global power. But even censorship and governmental intimidation and societal manipulation will serve little purpose when the country’s water wells run dry from its hyper-industrialization and the ongoing desertification of large swaths of the country. When this happens we can certainly expect an explosive rise in the price of global food commodities. And as we’ve seen in our very recent past, when food prices rise beyond the reach of the least affluent, tempers rise right along with them.

And when tempers rise…

Governments fall.

Resource Wars are inevitable, and I foresee China opening up the first major front in the assault.

Exactly when this will all happen?

Now, that is the question.


Look it up, folks. It’s all out there.

Scary stuff, for sure.

But scary as it is, it’s all delectable fodder for the imagination of the author intent on creating a world of horrific dystopian proportions and perfection…