WHO I AM – A Women’s Issues Feature

I am very honored and excited to share our very first submission to the new Relating to Humans feature. Before we get to the submission, however, I would like to say a few words by way of introduction. You know, I am a writer, which means…I’m insecure. I am. Every time I hit the “Publish” … Read more

Let’s Pretend

Let’s pretend That the world is new And all decisions to make Are up to you. You can make your world How you want it to be. Where will you begin? I can’t wait to see. The world is yours. What will you do? Let’s pretend That math is zoo. And monkey = 1 And … Read more

Holdin’ Toes

Holdin’ hands is supposed to be special, But really, anyone can do it. Just grab a hand and don’t let go, That’s all there really is to it. But my way of holdin’ is a little bit different. In fact, I’m sure no one else even knows… Just take off your shoes, and then your … Read more

My Town

All my life I’ve lived in a town Where stop means go And up means down, Where happy means sad And black means white, Where good means bad And wrong means right, Where night means day And yes means no, Where work means play And fast means slow, Where yesterday means tomorrow And midnight means … Read more


I’m told to be polite to my teacher. And of course, to my principal, as well. If I’m smart I’ll be polite to the policeman, Or he just might put me in jail. I ought to be polite to the doctor, Cuz she’s gonna cure my flu. And I better be polite to the lawyer, … Read more

The Tickle Café

There’s a café on the corner, And it’s a most unusual place. For the café’s only business Is to put a smile upon your face. This café is the place to go If you’re feeling rather sad. The waiters there don’t wait at all… Their job is to make you glad. So when you’re feeling … Read more


I don’t want to write bestsellers, Or be president of this great land. I don’t want to paint like Picasso, Or sing in a rock and roll band. I don’t want to star in the movies, Or do anything that brings wealth or fame. I don’t want to be an overpaid athlete Of any professional … Read more